Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Yard Sale

The words "yard sale" have been some popular ones around our house for the past few weeks. We decided awhile ago to have one as a fundraiser for our adoption. We needed to clean out our house and my parents DEFINITELY needed to clean out theirs, so we knew we could have a lot of stuff to sale. We told our friends we were planning it and before we knew it, they were dropping off car loads of items for us to include. By the beginning of last week, our garage looked like an episode of Hoarders!

We worked late every night to get things organized and priced. My mom spent a few days with us to help and my best friend, Jen, stopped by to bring me a coke and a helping hand. We planned to have the yard sale Friday and Saturday, but while we were working on everything Thursday, we had some shoppers. We actually made $350 before we even opened.

Friday morning came and we woke up super early to get prepared. We moved everything out to the yard and driveway.
We had a TON of stuff. We had a sign and a donation bucket stating that all the proceeds were going towards our adoption. Business was hopping and we were meeting people from all walks of life... and then the rain came! Brett, along with his dad and brother, started bringing in the tables while mom and I picked up all the extra stuff. Luckily, we had sold enough that we could rush it all into the garage and re-organize.

I felt like my spirits dropped in a hurry...the weather forecast called for rain for the next 36 hours. Brett and I tried to remain positive, but we just weren't sure how many people would come out. It wasn't just was POURING! All I could do was pray that God would still bring people our way and provide for us through this. Due to weddings, this was the only weekend I could do the sale at our house, so we were hoping for a successful one.

Even though it poured, even stormed a bit, people still made their way to our yard-turned-into-garage sale. Things were sold, junk disappeared slowly from the garage, friends stopped by, conversations were had, and by the end of Saturday we had earned over $1,000!!!! Wow! We were blown away. God is faithful and He definitely provided. What I love most is we were able to share our story and our heart for adoption with a few people. To me, that means more than the money. That's what it's all about.
