Monday, July 22, 2013

We've been busy!

It's been a while since I've blogged...sorry about that! Things have been extremely busy! Since the last time I've blogged we have finished all three of our home study visits. That's right, folks! Within a few weeks our case worker visited our home twice and we traveled to Bowling Green once for individual interviews. It moved a lot quicker than we thought and everything went smoothly.

I've realized when talking with friends that I use too much adoption lingo and if you or a close friend haven't been through the process, then you don't understand what I'm talking about. Oops! I learned a lot of my lingo through Monica & Chandler on "Friends," which I expect you've seen...just probably not as much as I have ;)

Anyway...home study visits are very relaxed meetings with our case worker. Like I said, two of them were at our home. We cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned some more to have our house sparkly. I was a bit anxious at first but as soon as our case worker arrived we were reminded there was nothing to be nervous about. We feel so comfortable with him so it really helps the process! In between the two home visits we met in the Bowling Green office for individual interviews. Basically our case worker just got a lot of information from each of us about our past (everything leading up to marriage). We were very surprised and excited with how quickly this all took place.

Shortly after our third home visit, we left for Florida. It was a recent decision to get away and relax for a bit. As excited as we were about this part of the process moving quickly, it has all fallen in the middle of wedding season and a busy time for Brett at work. Life has just been incredibly busy. For as cheap as possible, we escaped to the beach. The two of us don't get to relax together very often so it came at a much needed time! I'm so thankful for that week. Brett and I laid on the beach and had plenty of time to talk, read, laugh, and dream about the future. Ahhh...doesn't that sound so nice?!? It went by too quickly!

Anyway, now we're waiting for our case worker to write up our home study. Once that is approved, we'll officially be in the waiting pool to be chosen by a birth mother. We don't know how long that wait will could be a few months, it could be 1+ years. We are beginning to purchase furniture for the nursery since we won't know an exact time we will be chosen. Once a birth mother has picked us, things move pretty quickly so we want to have the nursery ready for the baby's arrival. I'm having fun with this...of course I've been dreaming of a nursery for 3 years now! It's exciting to finally be making a room in our home for a baby!

We bought some furniture at Ikea and thankfully it fit in our Escape!

In the mean time, we are finishing up some training videos and working on our profile book. This is the book the birth mother will look at to decide if we're the right family for her baby. No pressure, right?!? I've actually been sitting in front of my computer for 5 hours tonight trying to decide where to start. You would think this would be easy for a photographer!!

Well, that's where we are right now! It's been a whirlwind of events the past few months, but things will slow down soon and then we'll be in the silent waiting period. We are still in awe of the way God continues to confirm this is the right thing for us. We are still blown away by the support and excitement we have received by people...some we don't even know! God is so good. In the thick of my sadness and frustration I sometimes felt like things would never move forward. But God redeems and LOVES us. I've been excited to experience that in a new way.

Can't wait to tell you more as things progress!

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